

Vestar is committed to the communities in which it operates and has always strived for sustainable operations of its Real Estate portfolio. Its proprietary GreenSTAR program is one way in which it has vowed to continue these practices for millions of square feet of retail properties. Vestar remains dedicated to creating healthy, vibrant communities through its innovative and responsible management.

In 2007, Vestar’s GreenSTAR program marked the Southwest’s first large-scale commitment to sustainable shopping center building techniques at its Oro Valley Marketplace in Tucson, AZ earning the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) certification. That national recognition remains today as Vestar’s marquee success with its GreenSTAR initiative.

Our Sustainability in Action

Our commitment to the environment goes beyond our brick & mortar projects.

We consciously seek out and work with groups and organizations that are aligned with our environmental goals.